
& Campers

Y’all are our reason for being - we love you so much!



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Camp tuition is completely sliding scale. Our suggested tuition is $200 for the week (and we provide lunches and snacks!) - but we understand that raising kids is hard financially, and offer space for you to tell us what you can afford, no questions asked.

    Tuition goes to pay our insurance and space rental fees, as well as helps us cover supplies and food for the week of camp.

  • 2024 Camp Location: Warren Wilson College

    June 17-21st, 9am-4pm

    Flexible drop off/pick up available from 8-9am and 4-5pm

    Camp screening Friday June 21st, 6pm at Warren Wilson College!

  • Over the course of a week, campers work together in small groups to make a music video for local bands. In addition to making a music video, campers participate in art, filmmaking, and social justice workshops that center trans, queer, and femme joy and celebrate their fierce and fabulous creative voices.

    Workshops, film instruction, and music video creation are all supported by a team of volunteers - our camper:volunteer ratio is about 2:1. We strive to ensure camp is an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment.

    Also, there are snacks. And lunch. (Because the gender revolution starts with nourished minds and bodies!)



Things you might want to know about camp:

  • We give everyone a chance to tell us in confidence who they want to work with, and try to make sure that everyone gets to work with at least someone they want to! And gets to work on a song they like. No promises, but we really do our best to make sure that you have a great group of friends (old and new) all week!

  • Local bands and artists offer us music that we're allowed to use for music videos. Sometimes they even come to the screening! We try to make sure there are lots of different genres and styles to choose from, and make sure everyone gets to work on one of their top three choices for the week.

  • Nope. Not at all! We teach ya everything you'll need to know for the week. And if you come with experience, that's great too! But no one will be left out if they don't know how to use a camera or edit a video.

    The hope is that after camp, you'll be able to keep making videos with your friends, if you wanted to!

  • All the videos are collaborative. Each group, and each person can decide how they want to participate in the video. Everyone doesn't have to be on screen if they don't want to.

    Everybody in your group will work together to come up with the plan and vision for the video. Your ideas are important, and we want everyone to be creatively involved in the process.

    Everyone gets to learn how to use the camera, but sometimes in groups a couple people are more excited about being on screen, and a couple are more excited to be behind the scenes. That's okay - there's lots to do to make a music video. Anyone who wants to do any role will get a turn to do it, though - so if the camera calls you, you will absolutely get a turn at being the cinematographer!

Sign Up Here!

2025 Camper Application coming in January 2025

Fierce Flix



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